Playful Mini-Lessons: Make a List Writing Prompts for Students

List Writing Prompts were always a hit in my classroom! Who doesn’t love a good list? Most students have some experience with list making, either they have seen a list, helped write a list, or have written their own list (Christmas anyone?). Lists are fun to write, especially when the topic is a little silly!

Text: Playful Writing Mini-Lessons - List Writing. Image shows a child making and alphabet list

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Mini-Lesson for List Writing Prompts

I like using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model when teaching, so this writing mini-lesson plan is organized by I do, We do, and You do activities.

I do: I like to start my writing lessons whenever possible with a book or writing mentor text! Have you ever heard of Wallace’s Lists by Barbara Bottner and Gerald Kruglik? It is a super cute book about a mouse named Wallace who makes lists for everything, to the point that he almost misses out on a new friend because it isn’t on his list. This book is a great place to start your class discussion about making lists! The link below is an Amazon Affiliate link. I did a Book Talk Tuesday Post about another fun book about making lists with another fun freebie! Snappsy the Alligator Did Not Ask to Be in This Blog Post Book.

(We do) After reading Wallace’s Lists we have a class discussion about lists. Have your students turn and talk about lists. This can be open-ended so you can hear what kinds of ideas they have about writing lists. Then, have a class discussion about writing a list. Here are some fun questions to get you started:

  • Why do people write lists?
  • Do you know someone who makes lists?
  • What kinds of lists have you seen people write?
  • What lists have you written before (think Christmas maybe)?

(I do) I always point out our classroom agenda at this point. This is a list of all of the things that we will be doing as a class. It helps to keep me organized so I know what I am planning to do next.

(We do) Using a list writing prompt of your choice, work with your students to write a list together. Talk about how everything on the list is about the same topic. When you are finished ask the students if there is anything else that they would like to add. What did they notice about list writing?

Text: List writing Freebies! List Writing Prompt, List of Lists, and List Writing Paper. Image shows the printable list writing freebies.

Need a free list writing prompt? I have a list writing prompt freebie for you! Actually, I have 2! The first one is one for you to try with your student plus a blank for you to fill in your own list writing prompts. The other is actually from another blog post that I did about fun Creative Writing Activities. It is a list of lists that your students can write! You can find these and a TON of other great freebies in my Free Resource library when you sign up to receive my newsletter!

(You do) The last part of the lesson is when the students get to try it on their own (or with a partner if you like). Hand out a list writing prompt. Read it together and have them turn and talk to their partner about what list they are going to write. Then, let them write their lists independently.

(We do) When writing time is over, have your students share their lists. You could have one or two come to the front and read their lists, or you could have your students read their lists to a partner or in small groups!

List of Ideas for List Writing Prompts

So, of course, what would this post be without a list! Here are some ways that you can use list writing prompts in your classroom.

text: Ideas for List Writing Prompt!
  • Make copies of the blank list writing prompts and add them to your classroom writing center.
  • Add blank list writing paper (freebie in Free Resource Library) to your classroom writing center. I often find fun list pads in the dollar spot at Target, or on Amazon (Affiliate links).
  • List Writing can be cross-curricular! Make a list writing prompt to go with something you are teaching: Make a List of Nouns. Make a list of Bugs. Make a list of Spelling Words or Sight Words (tricky words, heart words, ect).
  • Have your students create list writing prompts for each other!
  • Have ongoing class lists: Books We’ve Read, YouTube Ambience Videos We Like, Songs We Like…etc. Keep these posted so your students can add to them during writing time if they wish.
  • Just for Fun! Students enjoy making lists because they are low-risk. It is neat to see what they come up with!

Looking for more list writing prompts? I have several Picture Writing Prompt products in my store that includes List Writing Prompts with choices! The students LOVE them! You can check them out here:

Are you a maker of lists? I most certainly am, and I loved teaching my students the fun and beauty of a good list! It was one way that I could Teach Happy! Thank you so much for stopping by to read my post! Didn’t have time to read the whole thing? Don’t lose this post, save it and share it!

Text: Playful Writing Mini-Lessons - List Writing. Image shows a child making and alphabet list

Thanks again, and Happy Teaching!


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