Teaching writing can be difficult, but today I am going to share with you five fun ways to use writing prompts with pictures to enhance your writing instruction! Read on…
My second graders LOVE using writing prompts with pictures! I try to use them in my writing instruction as much as possible. Picture writing prompts are such a fun, visual way to help your students write! Here are 5 ways that you can use Picture Writing Prompts in your classroom!
1. Use Writing Prompts with Pictures in your Writing Lessons
Writing lessons are always more fun when you use writing prompts with pictures. It helps the students to take the focus off what they are going to be writing about and on to whatever writing lesson you are teaching them. Before you start your lesson on the writing topic, show your students the writing prompt. Then have them turn and talk to their partner about the pictures to get their creative juices flowing. Then, teach your lesson modeling your writing using the picture writing prompt (or a different writing prompt with pictures if you don’t want your students to copy your writing). Using picture writing prompts you can teach almost any type of writing:
- Narrative Writing
- How-To Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Descriptive Writing
- Compare and Contrast
You can find writing prompts with pictures specifically for each type of writing, or use a picture or image you find and adust the prompt to fit the type of writing that you would like to teach!
2. Writing Center
The writing center in my classroom is an absolute favorite. It is stocked with all kinds of paper and fun writing goodies (if you want to check it out, I did a whole post just about my writing center HERE). I have a drawer for writing prompts. They can use these anytime. They can use the writing prompts with pictures on lined paper so they can color their picture choices, they can use the writing prompt cootie catchers with a partner to do some fun writing! I also have fun pictures that I have found on the internet or on Pinterest that help to spark some great creative writing in the drawer! These all are popular choices!
3. Fast Finishers
My students are allowed to use the writing center materials when they have free time or when they are finished with their assignments. One of their favorite activities is to use the picture writing prompt cootie catchers with a partner to tell a story, then spend some time writing the story together. They love being having the word bank or word writing support right there as part of the writing prompt. They also LOVE when I put writing prompts with photos of THEM in the drawer. I love taking pictures of my kiddos doing various activities (sometimes I have them pose with interesting props for pictures as well) and then print and laminate the pictures to add to the drawer or to my writing lessons! They LOVE using those and pictures of past classes as well. Especially if they spot a sibling or other relative that I have had in class previously. These are always a big hit and I get some AMAZING writing! 🙂 I also enjoy adding clipart into the photos to make them a little more interesting. Add an “Among Us” crewmate or a unicorn and they go WILD! 🙂
4. Writing Prompts with Pictures are PERFECT for Substitute Teachers
If you are like me you DREAD making plans for a substitute teacher! I used to just skip writing time entirely when I had a guest teacher in the past. Now, I leave a picture writing prompt to keep the kiddos writing even when I am not there. At the beginning of the school year, I teach them the routine that I want them to follow when we use writing prompts with pictures so they know what is expected. I leave instructions for the routine with the substitute and it works beautifully! The student and the substitute always enjoy the writing lesson! My routine for picture writing prompts (that aren’t included in a specific writing lesson) looks something like this.
- Take a minute or two to look at the picture(s).
- Read the prompt and study the pictures together with the teacher.
- The teacher makes a list on the board of words that the students may want to use during the lesson (the students come up with the words for the list).
- The students turn and talk to a partner about what they are planning on writing.
- Write!
- Choose students to share their writing with the class or a partner if there is time.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! 🙂
5. Assessments
Oh, writing assessments. We don’t like them, but we need them. Using writing prompts with pictures for writing assessments makes it a little more fun. You can use them for almost any type of writing to get a baseline and see where your students are thriving, or where they could use a little more instruction. Give them a picture writing prompt at the beginning of the year, then the same prompt at the end of the year to show writing growth. The possibilities are endless! Have I convinced you to try writing prompts with pictures in your classroom? Looking for some FREE picture writing prompts to try out? Look no further! You can find some FREE Writing Prompts with Pictures HERE!
Looking for even more? Give a full-sized Writing Prompts with Pictures product for FREE by subscribing to my newsletter! It is full of fun teachery stuff and freebies!
I have also recently created these prompts for use with younger learners! Check them all out here:
Fractured Fairy Tale Picture Writing Prompts for Younger Learners$5.00
Fractured Fairy Tale Picture Writing Prompts | Writing Prompts with Pictures$7.00
Writing Prompts with Pictures | Super Silly Picture Writing Prompts$7.00
Writing Prompts with Pictures | Anytime Picture Prompts for Creative Writing$6.75
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