Hey there Teacher Friends! It is getting so close to the end of the school year! Here are some fun End-of-Year Celebration Ideas to end your school year with some fun!
Now that the school year is winding down it is time to PARTY! A Celebration of Learning Party of course!

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Here is a fun list of end-of-year celebration ideas that don’t take a lot of work:
- Picnic
- Classroom Talent Show
- Stem Day
- Flashlight Reading
- Blanket Fort and Coloring Books
- Outside Day
- Dance Party
- Playdough Day
- Memory Books
Keep reading for more details about each of these fun end-of-year celebration ideas:

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End-of-Year Celebration Ideas:
Make the year’s end memorable by doing fun activities with your students! Don’t forget to take pictures, then you can add them to a super easy memory book for the last day of school.

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So, without further ado… 9 End-of-Year Celebration ideas:
Picnic: Have students bring a lunch and a towel, and head outside for lunch! I would suggest having an extra towel or 2 just in case some forget. Don’t want to go outside? Let your students spread out their towels on the floor in the classroom to eat.
Classroom Talent Show: I would make this a “spur of the moment” event, and not let your students get too far into the weeds. In the morning of the day you would like to have the talent show, announce it to the students, then give them time in class to work on their talent. Students could sing, dance, tell jokes, draw a picture, tell a story, and write and read it. Making it optional and giving the students ideas of what they could do will be helpful to those students who may be a little shy.
You could also let the students show off their talent with a partner or small group. I would also set a time limit on how long each student will be “performing”. Then, after lunch or a time in the afternoon, let them show off their talents!

STEM DAY!: Still have leftover items from your STEM Activities this year but not enough for a whole class? Get out some of the STEM activities already done this year and give them another go! Set up what you have at several stations and let students try them again!
If you haven’t done any STEM activities this year, having a STEM Day is a great place to start! It makes a great end-of-year celebration as well!
Flashlight Reading: Have your students bring in a flashlight or buy a set from Amazon (affiliate link). These also make fun end-of-the-year gifts for your students. You will want to set some ground rules (don’t shine the flashlight in each other’s eyes). Flashlight reading could easily be combined with:
Blanket Fort and Coloring Books: Have students bring in a large blanket or sheet and a coloring book. Students could build their tent fort to read and color in, or team up with some friends. Clothespins, binder clips, and towel clips (affiliate link) make holding the blankets in place easy. Don’t forget to take pictures of their creations. Then, turn off the lights and let students read and color in their tents with their flashlights!
Playdough Day: I like to start my school year with playdough (affiliate link), ending the year with playdough seems like fun as well! Start the day with a can of play dough on each student’s desk. They can use it to make things throughout the day, you could have some fun STEM Playdough Mats. A can of playdough is another fun end-of-the-year gift idea for your kiddos!
Outside Day: Do as many activities as you can outside! You could start with a story about being outside! Then, have some fun “outside” stations set up. In a grassy area, have a blanket, some books, and/or writing supplies. You could have another area for math manipulatives such as pattern blocks. Set up some bubbles (affiliate link) in a station, and some sidewalk chalk (affiliate link). Spend some time outside enjoying the almost summer weather!
Dance Party: Fire up YouTube for some super fun dancing! Let students choose their favorite brain break from the school year and dance the day away!
Last Day Celebration: If you are anything like me, these sound like fun ideas, but I am TiRED! So, do these all in one day! It will be exhausting, but fun, then OVER. Start the morning with some fun STEM Stations.
Then, announce the talent show and give the students time to get ready. Then, have lunch outside with a story and bubbles. Let them use sidewalk chalk during recess time.
Then come in and have the talent show! Do a fun brain break and end the day with blanket forts, flashlights, and coloring books in their tents.
While your students are in their “special” class, add some pictures to your editable memory book and make copies for your students. Let them work on their memory books in their tents at the end of the day! (Hint: sign the memory book before you make copies, then they already have your signature in their memory book)! Phew!
I hope you found some fun end-of-year celebration ideas for closing your school year. The last day should be as fun and relaxing as possible for your students and yourself! Most of all ENJOY the last day of school together and make some fun memories.
Thanks so much for reading! Pin the image below so you have all these fun end-of-year celebration ideas at your fingertips when you need them!

Happy Teaching,