I LOVE using Writing Journals with my students. So much, that I am doing a blog series about Writing Journal Ideas for Elementary Students! Welcome to Part 2! If you missed Part 1, you can find it HERE!
Writing Journal Ideas Part 2: Writing Journal Types
Just as varied as styles, there are tons of different types of journals you could have in your classroom.
- Subject Journals: You could have journals for any of the subjects that you teach. This could lead to having a TON of journals. Or, if you are using a binder as a journal you could have different sections for the subjects you would like your students to journal about. My students keep a Reading Notebook for all things reading! This is where they keep their copies of our anchor charts, vocab. we are working on, strategies to use…It is everything Reading!
2. Reading Response Journals/ Reading Log: This would be a place where your students could respond to what they are reading. This is also a great place for your students to keep track of writing down the books that they read in class! I love making a list of books that I have read. It makes me feel so accomplished when I go back and look at it!
3. Wonder journals/ Book of Knowledge Journals: I have these great half-sized composition notebooks from Oriental Trading Company that I use in my classroom for this. I am not affiliated with Oriental Trading Company, I just love these notebooks! I know that others have taken their full-sized notebooks to places to have them cut in half, but I chose the easy route! I use these during times when I am introducing a new topic (reading, social studies, science, etc.) The kiddos can write down any questions that they have before we start. We also use Read-Works (it’s free!) almost daily in my classroom. I LOVE their Article of the Day routine, so we use these notebooks to write down things that we learn from the articles that we read to share. I keep one that the students have access to as well.
4. Writing Skills Journals: This would be a place for your students to practice or learn specific skills related to writing. These could be as simple as stapling pages together to practice different writing skills such as leads, or using voice. I do have several specific writing skills journals in my TpT store. You can check them out HERE!
My students keep all of their writing for Writer’s Workshop in a “Writing Binder”. One of our beginning of the year assignments is to make a special cover for our Writing Journals with pictures, lists, stickers, etc. of ideas of things to write about. Here is mine:
When we doing our Writing Skills Journals, I just copy what I want and three-hole punch them to put in our writing binders. Then, the kiddos have them for reference later if they need them! 5.Class Journals: These are journals that have specific prompts (usually taped or glued to the front of the journal). These are accessible during times when students can write. They find the next blank page, add their own drawings and writings on the same prompt, then they can read the writing of their classmates. This also makes a great writing center. Here is a great blog post about Whole Class Journals with a Freebie if you want to try them! 6.Personal Journals: This type of journal is for your students to write just about anything that they want! You could give them prompts or just a general idea of what to write about. A good example is having your students write about their weekends on Monday in their personal journal, then share during your morning meeting time. I have made a fun “Diary of a…..” journal freebie to use with your students! Copy the pages any way you want. Even has ideas for things to write about in the front. The kiddos could write as themselves, or as a character that they make up! It’s in the true Diary of a Wimpy Kid style!
Sooooooo many ways to use journals in your classroom! What kind of journals do you use in your classroom?Thanks! Don’t forget where you found this fun Freebie! Pin the image below! Sharing is caring.
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