Organizing Your Classroom Library

Cover image of Classroom Library Makeover with pics of old and new book box labels.

So, if you have been around here at all, you will know that I am a children’s book addict enthusiast.  My classroom library is more of a library that has a classroom in it.  This year though my classroom library was starting to become a point of stress in my classroom. What do I mean?  Let me show you. It may help you with organizing your classroom library!

This post contains an affiliate link to Amazon.

Before my Classroom Library Makeover:

Pic of book boxes falling.
Pic of book boxes falling.
Pic of book boxes falling.
Pic of book boxes falling.

A lot of my book boxes were stored on these metal cubes.  They worked FANTASTIC for the first few years that I had them.  After 7 years in my classroom of 2nd graders however, they no longer do the job.  I would fix them (which took time and energy) and by the end of the day, they would look like this again.  I just couldn’t take it anymore!
So, IKEA to the rescue!  I am in no way affiliated with IKEA I just love their stuff.  The shelves that I bought to replace these wire cubes are their KALLAX shelves. They were a bit pricy, but they are worth it!  Look at my library now!

After my Classroom Library Makeover: 

Book boxes on new shelves.
Book boxes on new shelves.

I just love it!  I also recently replaced all of my old book box labels with these new ones!  They can easily been seen, even across the room!

Organizing Your Classroom Library

In my classroom, the fiction books are all organized by topic and then placed in the blue or yellow book boxes with a number sticker on the back.  The nonfiction section has green book boxes and they all have a green letter sticker on the back.  You can read more about the details of how I label and organize my books HERE!

These new labels fit on the sides of my book boxes so I can turn them sideways and fit more on each shelf.  Like the labels?  I just print them on 4×3 labels (this is an Amazon affiliate link.  If you purchase the labels through this link,  I will receive a small commission with no cost to you.) and stick them on the sides of my book boxes!  You can see the number (or letter) from all the way across the room!  
If you would like them for your own classroom, you can get them for FREE by signing up for my e-mail list! You will get access to my Free Resource Library to get your labels and other free goodies!

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Organizing your classroom library.

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