I am linking up this week at The Teacher’s Chair to share my lesson plan book. I change the way that I plan lessons a lot! I never print out too many pages because I like to tweak things! I have a lesson plan template that I print that has all of the important and repeating times: specials, lunch, recess, switching for different subjects… Of course, each month the theme and color scheme changes…
I still like to handwrite my actual lessons though. I keep all of my plans (for now) in a binder. I plan to streamline it a bit by making a simple one page plan for the week, then making more detailed plans for my groups (reading and math).

I also keep my plan book on a “pedestal”. It sits up off my desk, so I put stuff underneath it! (It is actually a phone stand, put my plan book works so well on it!) I stole this idea from one of my brilliant colleagues!
So, what does your plan book look like? Come on by, link up, and show off!